Friday, 20 June 2014

Animecon 2014 review

So last week I went to Animecon in The Hague to demo Bushido. I was helped by a fellow player from Rotterdam know as TheD on the Bushido forums. We did demo's from 17:00 till 22:00 and I finally had a chance to wear my retainer t-shirt.

This is only what was standing outside
 The moment I arrived at the venue, the World Forum in The Hague, it was packed. A lot of people with all kinds of costumes or accesories from anime's and manga's. One of the perks of being part of the event staff is skipping all the lines.

It was a bit of a hassle finding where I was holding the demo's with TheD, but after finding West Givner, our local store owner and got us acces to the con, we quickly found our little corner where set up.

All setup for demo's
Unfortunately it seemed that ouf of all the demo's West tried organising, we were the only ones that appeared. A lot of people cancelled on the last moment and instead of 6 games being demo'd over twelve tables there was 1 game being demo'd on one or two tables.

The hazards of cosplaying, messy hair

The first couple of hours we had almost no people walking by or even demoing, most people were scrambling about to get their goodies or enjoying various events. that's the problem if you sit in a corner as the only demo. But when the first people sat down people started noticing us and we had done around six demo's and at least twelve people joining or looking at the demo's.

Don't know who's in danger him or the girls
 A thank for TheD (the one in the middle) for helping out and doing demo's beside me and for continueing on Saturday when I couldn't make it.
And of course a thank you to the one who made sure we could even do the demo's West Givner ( on the right). Here he is challenging a Power Ranger to a battle of the best action pose.

I liked being at Animecon great costumes and nice people but a little caution is advised as some stuff isn't really appropriate for some. Would have been nice if the other people would have been there doing demo's so more people would have noticed us more.

For anyone who was their at Animecon and liked the game, West's store has a good stock of all things Bushido and their is regular play.

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