Monday, 29 September 2014

My Silvermoon trade syndicate tournament warband

Every two months I organize a tournament at my local game store, while I don't often join in being the organizer I do have a list ready to compete when I get the chance.

While it's always fun to fight against your opponent and win by being the best fighter (or the luckiest). I like toying around with my opponent while going for the objectives. To do this I got all the Roses, the Envoy and the Golden Sentinel.

Hanami 11
Tsubak 7
Saki 7
Yukio Koshimori 7
The Golden Sentinel 8
Event - Dark Secret 2

This brings up a total of 42 points. We play this often in my group as it offers enough choices and plays fast enough.

This list excells in tricks, the Roses can cause a major problem to your opponents plans, with the ability to cause stupid(5), lure opponent models or to change their facing to setup a surprise attack. Added to this there are two models, Hanami and Yukio, plus the event that can create control tokens.

The plan is to take control of your opponents models at key moments, scenario turns or when he's setting up a charge, and disrupt or even kill your opponents models with his own models.

The safety in this list is that the Roses all have disguise making them impossible to target with ki 1 or lower models. and Yukio is protected by the Sentinel. The Roses are also very fast with all having a movement of 5 helping with taking up a good position or running away when a ki test fails.

The only model who can do a reasonable job of fighting is the Sentinel. While the Roses are still decent at it with 3 dice, their lower wounds and lack of offensive traits or feats means they'll have problems with anything better than an Ashigaru.

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