Friday, 8 August 2014

Wave 19 review: Ashinaga Tenaga

This is an odd looking model and while it's a yokai I'm a bit underwhelmed so far with the sculpts compared to the marvelous Taisho Tenbatsu.

 I'm a bit worried how the net and spear are supplied as I don't like how GCT Studio has a tendency to supply small and easy to break parts seperate.

The ability to get armour piercing is always great and I think this will help the Temple deal with armored foes better. The quagmire is amazing, a movable dificult terrain with a max radius of 8 inch and seeing that a decent amount of the temple have light footed this will give a lot of control when done right.

The believer trait is nice for keeping ki but not really what you want this guy to do.

At 8 rice he's not overpriced but needs some thought or strategy to field this guy. His ranged attack only works once, while being held is nice, it does no damage and you lose his special attack. A tough choice to make in my opinion.

He's nice for protecting supporting models like the farmers or Aiko. for example with the farmers keep him within 4 inch to make the farmers ability to lower the cost of the monks ki abilities cost efficient and do what temple does best. throw around ki like a madmen. And in the off chance a disguised or model with concealment sneaks past the monks you can use his quagmire to protect your models.

I recommend this model with a few peasants and 1 or 2 monks to dish out damage while the peasants boosts the monks and Ashinaga makes the farmes cost efficient and save.

 Also don't underestimate this model in a fight 3 melee is decent but combined with first strike a large amount of wounds and the ability to get armour piercing this guy is a serious threat for Ashigaru, Karai and such.

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