Here we have a model again that's amazing to see, a wondrous sculpt of the organs flying out of the body. Just hope it's easy to assemble.
Cheap for 7 rice with the potential this model has with average rolls, wouldn't recommend it for new players though.
Camouflage (4) is great for keeping this model save and to help it get close to it's target.
Hypnotic gaze is simply amazing a good range, only 2 ki and when it succeeds the opposing model's condition worsens one step and gains a stun marker. Luckily this model has force of will to get a +1 on opposed ki test, as don't like how ki feat dependant models are either succeed and win or lose and die.
Now it's unique effect adds a nice degree of survivability with regeneration 2 and causing 2 damage ignoring toughness.
This model can only store 6 ki and that's not a lot for a model dependant on ki abilities. I find the lack of fear odd for a decapitated flying head with it's organs sticking out.
I would combo this model up with Nezumi. Nezumi can make rat swarms during his activation and these are excellent to exhaust enemy models. In an optimal situation I would try to use the hypnotic gaze first then attack with a rat swarm, if all goes well the opposing model is now exhausted and stunned. Always remember to declare the immobilise attack. It's free so you can always call it and it's needed for Penanglan's unique effect.
Now I think the best targets for this tactic are ashigaru, peasants, etc and support models, as these often have 1 or 0 dice left when exhausted and stunned making them an easy target to kill in a single turn.
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