Friday, 22 August 2014

Wave 19 review: The best & the worst.

Some like their girls to have a good head on their shoulders.
With the Cult it's all they require.
Best model: Penanggalan.
For only 7 rice and in my opinion the amazing abilities this model is the best model of the wave. The other contenders were Akio Takashi and Taisho Tenbatsu.

 I chose this model above the other two because of the their difference in rice. not because Akio and Taisho are overpriced but with 7 rice this model could easily fit in a 35 rice warband, while Akio and Taisho are 13 and 12 rice respectively limiting their use in lower point games.

Taisho, so awesomely sculpted,
 he makes everyone wish they played Cult or Wave.
Best sculpt: Taisho Tenbatsu.
While just missing the spot as best model Taisho's sculpt is great and I might even go as for as call it the best sculpt on the game so far.

And it's easy to see why, not only has he been painted amazingly but the amount of detail on the model is incredible, just look at all the detail just on his face not to mention his armour and swords. His pose is also very action filled as if he's stalking towards another prey.

While I do have to admit that he didn't really have much of a contest during this wave.... looking at you Satsuki, which is a real shame as models like Taisho and Penannggalan are amazing and what atract people to the game and show the GCT has the sculptors to do a great job.

Almost the same as a real rose.
Pretty to look at not much use otherwise

"worst" model: Hanami.
Alright I put worst into quotation marks because Hanami isn't a bad model, but simply put every other model this way is better because their stronger or easier to use. It was a contest between Hanami and Ashinagi for me and what made the choice for me is that while Ashinagi has less utility all his abilities work towards the same purpose.

 That's the problem with Hanami you want to use her ki feats to control your opponent, but to control you have to be in combat which means losing disguise which you don't want because she only has 5 wounds. She also can increase her melee dice for only 2 ki, but you want to use her ki for her feats.

Orochi why, just why?

Worst sculpt: Satsuki.

I apologize in advance for whoever made this sculpt.

Alright where to start, well the face is bad, really bad. She looks like she drugged herself and is looking out into space, the only other face I think is this bad is the Grey Pilgrim and she looks as if she ran a few times too many against a brick wall.

Body isn't bad besides the fact that the sculptor took the effort to sculpt her nipples, is that really a priority? She is also the female model showing the most skin of any model in the range. All this makes her simply look like a blow-up doll.

 Even the snakes look weird when compared to Sakura where you can easily say "that's a snake". Here well, it looks as if she's balancing on a pile of rope to say the least.

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