It seems the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate is getting desperate with their recruiting. As we now get a bunch of children to fight demons, undead, kung fu monks, oni, samurai, etc. Yeah great plan.
Okay while we have seen children before with Taka, well she's undead, and Aiko, who is a monk and a shugenja. These kids aren't that special.
Nomi's use is to remove camouflage. His scout ability is nice when combined with Harukichi to make sure you get first turn, first pick.
He's cheap for 3 points he's among the cheapest non-insignificant models in the game. While being a horrible fighter being able to outnumber helps a lot in this guys usefulness.
Besides this Nomi doesn't bring much he's as slow as a karai, only has one melee dice, meaning he fights as well as Akuma. He's got a low amount of wounds, so you'll even have to look out for rat swarms in combat with this poor lad.
If you're opponent got something with camouflage, this guy can help with that, but Nomi will also be a target for his ability. I don't see much use in this modelas I think you can get more use out of an special card or two for the points.
Now Sukoshi Kani, bit of an odd note why does she have a family name? She's the only character in the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate to have one. Either there's something behind it or they made a small mistake.
Camouflage (2) is really good and will keep this model alive long enough to use her makibishi. And that is the reason why Kani is better than Nomi. The Makibishi is a terrain that forces everything but intangible or flying models to make a movement test.
This is a really good ability and is a good way to protect an objective. As from what I understand you can place it on objectives. Be careful as your own models also have to make the test.
Same as with Nomi. Slow and can't fight although Kani has more utility.
Use her camouflage to get close to something important and throw the Makibishi on the ground to slow your opponent down.
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