Saturday, 11 October 2014

Yugio the gravedigger

This seems to me as a much needed model for the Cult.

He's alive so he'll at least me able to move around quick enough to be usefull. There are three shugenja available to the Cult at the moment so he'll at least be usefull in most lists.

now you'll probably only take this model for his Blasphemous Conviction feat. Reducing the cost of ki feats is a big deal for cult, them being a very ki draining faction.

The Warding Shomyo feat is a good defensive feat, that it's complex sucks though, but stil very usefull as it increases the ki cost withing 6 inch by 1 for enemy models and they can't use speacial attacks or defenses. Would be excellent to kill an enemy killer like Masunagi.

The ki drain on this guy is gonna be enormous because you want to use his feats as often as possible. You'd want to have a ki battery, a model with channel, nearby to keep this guy and your shugenja's supplied with ki. Unfortunately that isn't available for now. What is available is his conspiracy of the cult trait, while this gives him ki he loses wounds, while nice in a desperate attempt to gain ki I personally don't like weakening a already weak model. Although I might have a solution for that in the tactics part.

Tactics with this guy is straightforward depending on what your up against. Keep him near your shugenja to keep their ki abilities cheaper, or if your up against someone with a very strong fighter use the disturb flow to counter him and go in for the kill. Nothing else to him.

Now for his ki problem. I'd advise giving this model the healer card from the generic card pack. This will allow you to gain 2 wounds for a simple action. Every turn use his conspiracy of the cult trait to gain ki, then the shugenja nearby will most likely also have conspiracy of the cult. Remember to only take 2 wounds each turn. Now Yugio will have ki for his Blasphemous Conviction every turn increase his effectiveness massively. Now about those two wounds, Since conspiracy of the cult is in the starting step and Blasphemous conviction is an active player feat you can use one action each to heal this guy. This keeps him at max wounds while netting you two ki tokens extra and cheaper ki feats for your shugenja.

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