Friday 26 September 2014

Wave 20 models revealed part 1

So far halve of the factions have been revealed for wave 20.

First up Master Akari's model is revealed. As with Master Ekusa you get a number of smaller animals decorating the model and base. Akari looks good and is an improvement on their humanoid models compared to the Kitsune. She isn't ugly but the face is off.

I expect this model to be popular for painters seeing the little details on the model and the small animals.

Next up we have Yugio, does anyone else remember a certain card game with this name? The model looks great I was a bit confused what the stuff in his backpack was until I saw the characters on it and realised they're gravemarkers, a nice touch and a visual reminder about what the model is all about.

A very good amount of detail and I won't be surprised if I pick Cult again as best model for the wave again.

Last up we have the Sukoshi Kani and Nomi. I'm mildly dissapointed with how they look. While the girl is fine with the bag of spikes, the boy is bland and won't be very interesting to paint in my mind.

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